Proudly Serving Lake Worth FL for all your BBQ Grill Repair needs.


When it comes to BBQ Grill Repairs, Grill Tanks Plus has you covered.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Million Dollar Liability Insurance
State of Florida Bureau of LP Gas Inspection
0405 Installer E
Cert No: 29912

BBQ grill repair lake Worth for a healthier and safer lifestyle!

Grilling delicious and mouthwatering food items, during the winter season, is surely quite a productive entertainment for any foodie! It is something that occupies people completely, making it possible for them to keep themselves entertained and their bellies full. However, excessive usage can affect the working capacity of the grill, reducing its efficiency to make mouth-watering delicious food items. At times it is so exhausted that it can’t even heat properly or even reach the limit required to cook the food completely. Resultantly, whatever you make ends up being raw, uncooked, and difficult to eat. To make things better, Grill Tank Plus, the best place for BBQ grill repair lake Worth, jumps in for assistance.

BBQ grill repair lake Worth to revamp your grill:

The company comes with numerous kinds of services, which aid in making the grillwork just like before! For instance, cleaning the grill is the most significant activity that it performs. The team of cleaners ensures that each and every nook and corner of the grill is scrubbed so well that there is no piece of coal left. Anything that can hinder the efficiency of food can affect its performance badly.

The cleaners of the company use special tools to clean the grill and this is what sets them apart from others. All the parts of the item are being cleaned with varied cleaning items.

The significance of cleaning:

The coal left in the grill can turn into a carcinogenic substance, causing intricate health hazards. Deep cleaning removes all the carcinogens, turning the grill reliable and safe for future usage. The professional grill cleaning service is hence highly appreciable. The periodic cleaning by the company members reduces all the chances of having to replace any part of the grill to make it work effectively.

If finding the BBQ cleaning service near me is your biggest concern while living in Florida, you don’t need to worry anymore. Grilltanksplus doesn’t only solve all the problems faced by customers but also ensures constant upkeep of the grill whenever requested. Hence, it can be considered the most reliable service provider in the area.


But here are a few examples for you!

BBQ Grill Igniter


Wear and Tear is the #1 cause of Ignitor Issues. Cooking food always leads to an increase of moisture in the Cook Box. This increases grease build up around the electrodes and can interfere with the spark needed to ignite the grill. Often the only thing that is needed is a good cleaning and a repositioning of the igniters so that they spark again.

Weber Regulator BBQ Gas


You would be surprised how often a simple regulator reset can solve the BBQ Grill issues. (SEE BELOW) However, there are numerous other issues that can arise like leaks and/or Over Fill Prevention (OPD) Device issues, and these can cause heating discrepancies. Also, due to weathering, hoses can become dry and brittle leading to leaks. We offer regulator tests that will identify such an issue.


Often times BBQ Grill Igniter issues can be resolved by resetting the regulater?

Regulator for BBQ Grill

1. Turn the gas off at the propane tank.
2. Disconnect hose from the propane tank.
3. Open your BBQ Grill lid.
4. Turn all the burner valves to high.
5. Wait for 2 minutes.
6. Turn off all the burner valves.
7. Reconnect the gas line and tank.
8. Turn the gas on slowly on the propane tank.
9. Light the grill using your normal lighting procedures.
10. These steps should reset the regulator and often times solve your issue.

BBQ Grill Control Valve

Control Valve Repair

All BBQ Grills have Control Valves that regulate the full to air ratio. Control valves, if broken, should simply be replaced not repaired. Sometimes, it is a minor issue like the oraphice being clogged. In such cases, you can save the Valve, but more often than not it’s best to simply replace the Control Valve.



Connected to the control valve, Venturi Tubes control the fuel to air mixture also therefore providing a strong flame. If the tubes are damaged, or if they get clogged in any way there can be heating issues, uneven flame or they simply stop working. Often times we also see that they have been knocked out of placed and must be repositioned again.

Solaire Gas Grill In Backyard
Solaire BBQ Grill Logo


Small Made in the USA Solaire Gas Grills Badge
Grill Tanks Plus Van and Paul at a job


While there are many more issues that can occur, we have provided the most common of them above. It’s a good idea to contact a trained professional if you are unsure of how to resolve your BBQ Grill issues. We have seen it all over the years so you can feel confident in our services – and we have the reviews to prove it!

CALL NOW: 561-244-2534

Down Town Lake Worth Florida

This page was created for the good people of Lake Worth FL.

GRILL TANKS PLUS was founded in Lake Worth Florida in 2011. Since then we have grown exponentially and so too has our service area. Please call us today to see how Grill Tanks Plus can help you to better enjoy your outdoor kitchen life!
